Sacramental Preparation

Adults who wish to explore the Catholic Faith or to finish receiving thier Sacraments should contact Kim Adamson, DRE at 239-394-5181 ext. 13

Those wishing to prepare to receive the Sacraments for the first time should be registered and practicing members of this parish.


Those wishing to prepare to receive the Sacraments should be registered and practicing members of this parish.

Sacrament of Baptism:

For Baptism preparation please call the parish office at (239) 394-5181.

There is a preparation class required of parents and Godparents

Baptism Form

Godparent Sponsor Form

Baptism reg Spanish

Godparent Sponsor Form

Sacrament of Confirmation/First Communion:

Please contact the Religious Education Office at (239) 394-5181 ext. 13 for scheduled classes.

2 consecutive years of faith formation are required.

Sacrament of Marriage:

Couples need to make an appointment with one of the parish priests at least 6 months in advance of the wedding date.

Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation:  

(May to December) Saturday from 4:00 pm. to 5:00 pm.  (January thru Palm Sunday) Saturday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pmConfessions are also available by appointment by calling the office at (239) 394-5181.

Sacrament For the Sick:

Please call the parish office at 394-5181.  When the office is closed, follow the instructions on the answering system for contacting a priest in an emergency.

Ministry to the Sick/Homebound:

Those unable to attend Mass because of illness or age should contact Bill or Rosanne Christ at (239) 389-0945 to receive Communion at home.

Sacramental Preparation of Children